健康、P.E. & 娱乐(HLTH)

健康、Physical Education, and 娱乐(HLTH)

HLTH 1010医疗保健介绍(1)

This class is designed to introduce students to the healthcare industry and Indian 卫生服务.  It will include an overview of various professions within the health field as well as a basic overview of the structure of different medical organizations 比如医院和其他护理机构.  此外,它还将涵盖以下主题 as role of the healthcare professional, basic medical terminology, patient protection, HIPPA和EMTALA,以及专业精神.  学生 will also learn about teamwork, communication skills, and legal issues in the healthcare setting. (以前称为HPR 170)


HLTH 1020急救/心肺复苏术(1)

This is a study and application of the 原则 and techniques involved in the administration 急救知识.  Basic life support and CPR skills are taught according to the American Heart Association or American Red Cross guidelines.  处理预防事故 and emergency care and treatment that can be provided until the services of a physician 或者训练有素的医务人员来了.  健康活动课 (以前称为HPR 171)


HLTH 1040体力活动(1)

Instruction in a variety of leisure sports and activities. 活动将从 semester to semester and may include any of the following: bowling, golf, martial arts, basketball, or other physical activity associated with lifetime wellness. 健康活动课 (以前称为HPR 100)


HLTH 1041社会活动(1)

Instruction in a variety of socially centered activities.  活动将由 semester to semester and primarily include traditional Native social activities. 健康活动课 (以前称为HPR 101)


HLTH 1042传统印第安游戏(1)

This course is a basic class where instruction will be provided on how Native American Games such as Handgame, Moccasin Game, Kohn-su, PE-NA-GA, Boss and other games are 玩. 健康活动课 (以前称为HPR 127)


HLTH 1043标目(1)

This course is a basic class in the art and skill of learning to create various decorative articles, emphasizing geometric patterns and Indian designs. 健康活动课 (以前称为HPR 135)



This course is an understanding of basic design 原则 and their application to 服装.  Indian designs are emphasized in the construction of apparel using these 原则.  Participants will be instructed in all areas of design, to include personalization.  The overall outcome will provide participants with the means to create design and 构建适当的集成. 健康活动课 (以前称为HPR 140)


HLTH 1045射箭/狩猎安全(1)

This course is a basic class in targeting and 3-D archery requiring no previous knowledge 或技能. The focus is target and 3-D SAFETY, etiquette, sportsmanship, archery history, cultural significance and the physical, social and emotional benefits of archery. 健康活动课 (以前称为HPR 150)


hth 1046 aihec (1)

 The American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) class is a comprehensive study of a multitude of Native American topics including but not limited to: history, culture, fauna, flora, handgames, archery, various art works, theater, and business. The course is designed to support the students in their preparations for the Spring 学生的竞争.



印第安人的父亲身份 & Families Association created and designed this program specifically for Native American fathers and mothers.  这个项目的目标是 to strengthen Native American families through responsible fatherhood and motherhood. Sacredness is a deep traditional value in the great heritage of our Native people. While other programs focus on the legal and moral obligations of parenting, this program elevates fatherhood and motherhood by looking not only at the importance of legal and moral obligations, but also sacred responsibility.


HLTH 1048园艺(1)

This course is an introduction to the basics of gardening and healthy foods. 学生 will learn how to analyze soil samples, utilize organic gardening techniques, and incorporate traditional ways of food production and preservation.


HLTH 1060综合医学术语(3)

This course establishes a solid foundation of prefixes, suffixes, word roots, abbreviations, 医学术语和符号.  It emphasizes understanding the medical vocabulary as it applies to the anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures 在所有人体系统中.


HLTH 2300营养学入门(3)

The study of the basic 原则 and concepts of nutrition.  涵盖的主题包括 carbohydrates, lipids (fats), proteins, vitamins, minerals, energy balance, and nutrition 通过生命周期.  Personal nutritional analysis and the relationship between 将讨论饮食和疾病. (以前称为NUT 115)


HLTH 2310健康教育与保健(3)

In this course, health is presented to the college student as a broad, ever-changing, 有时是有争议的话题.  Emphasis is placed on the effect our rapidly changing 今天环境对健康的影响.  An attempt is made to assist the student in intelligent personal decision-making regarding ecology, nutrition, chronic and communicable diseases, drug dependency, mental health, and human sexuality. (以前称为HPR 231)



This course engages indigenous practices and beliefs, focusing particularly on the food systems of the Native Americans of this region. 特定的兴趣是动态的 connections between native foods and the health of people and place, both traditionally and in societies affected by colonization and rapid cultural change, and how food 通过这些过程,系统发生了变化. (以前称为NUT 201)


HLTH 2900专题(1-3)

(以前称为HPR 290)


HLTH 2990实习(1-4)

(先前称为HPR 299)