

研究 ,或  内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院 (pg电子app下载), will be well designed and properly executed. 所有研究人员都会 abide by ethical principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. 所有研究人员都会 尊重文化s of 主权 我们从那些国家获得特许(i.e., 苏族圣地 and Omaha Tribe of Nebraska and Iowa)和所有土著人民 when designing and carrying out proposed 研究. 所有研究人员都将遵循 guidelines and procedures for protection of human subjects outlined by pg电子app下载 and carried out by the 院校检讨委员会 (IRB). pg电子app下载 (2021) IRB Standard Operation Procedures Data collection cannot begin 与out IRB approval. 研究成果将被分享 与 内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院. 

2023-24 IRB Application Review Dates  

  • 2023年8月3日
  • 2023年11月3日
  • 2024年1月9日
  • 2024年4月4日
  • 2024年6月7日

Application packets are due no later than that Friday before the meeting. 


1)完成 pg电子app下载 IRB申请. Any required parts of the protocol such as informed consent form or an interview protocol instrument must be attached to the application. 

2) 电子邮件 completed application, 与 attachments to the IRB Chair(s) for review.

联合主席:凡妮莎·汉密尔顿(macvhamilton@letitbejesus.com)和博士. 梅根·穆里-马扎列戈斯(MMurie@letitbejesus.com

3) Secure IRB approval before data collection begins.

推荐的过程 as stated on page 22 of Hamilton, LeCount, Parker Cariaga & Sudbeck (2019)

1)合作 社会各界人士.

2) Present proposal to appropriate Tribal Council. (认识并肯定每一个 sovereign nation may have their own unique protocols. 也就是说,主权国家 have the inherent right to self-determination.)

3a) Submit IRB proposal to tribal college and/or tribally affiliated institution (i.e., pg电子app下载 IRB).

3b) If applicable, submit documentation of approved IRB proposal to additional IRB 在其他附属机构.

4) Once approved, present 研究 to those involved for guidance on interpretation 结果和批准 之前 to dissemination and publication of results.


If you are interested in becoming a member of pg电子app下载's IRB, please contact the co-chairs 参加…参加 花旗计划- Basic 成员s course under pg电子app下载's affiliation.


汉密尔顿,V.C.帕克卡里亚加,n.n. & Sudbeck K. (2019). 研究 on vs. 研究 : 21st century cross-cultural collaboration and American Indian education. 大平原季刊,29(1); 17-24.

* This manuscript was written by four colleagues at pg电子app下载. 这份手稿赢得了 2020 Leslie Hewes Award for the best Social Science article in 大平原研究 2019年出版年度.


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